Policies and Regulations
General Rules
Each person who uses the Peterson Recreation Center and/or the Concannon Fitness Center as a member has an obligation to observe and follow all the rules and regulations regarding the facility; as well as directives from the Recreational Sports staff. These regulations regarding the facility and directives are needed to ensure that the facilities are used appropriately and courteously for the good of all Peterson Recreation and Concannon Fitness Centers members, guests, and visitors.
Physical Condition
Each member should be in a condition of fitness appropriate for the activity in which he/she engages. The College does not require that members submit evidence of such fitness, but assumes that members will not engage in activities which might put him/her at medical risk because of lack of conditioning or not following medical guidelines specified by members’ doctor.
Membership/ID Cards
The Membership/ID card is the official access document required to enter the both Facilities. Any persons within the facilities may be asked to produce a Membership/ID card at any time, and if not produced may be asked to leave the facilities.
Family Memberships
- Spouse and children of full time faculty and staff as well as retired and/or Emeritus faculty/staff members will be eligible to purchase a membership to the Peterson Rec and Concannon Fitness Centers.
- Children must be between 16-18 years of age to qualify for a full access membership.
- Children under the age of 16 will only be allowed to use the Peterson facility, and only during scheduled family hours (Fri, noon – 10pm and all day on weekends)
- No one under 16 will be allowed to use the Concannon Fitness Center at any time- NO EXCEPTIONS. Positive proof of age will be required of all Concannon Center users in question.
- All family members 16 years of age and older will be issued a membership ID card, which they must have with them at all times. A drivers license or birth certificate and picture ID will be required for proof of age for all family members between the ages of 16-18 at the time of purchase.
- Any family member who is 18 years of age will be held to the following policy. If the 18 year old family member turns 19 before March 1st they will be allowed to buy a 1/2 year membership at a reduced rate of $25. If the 18 year old family member turns 19 on or after March 1st they will be allowed to continue their membership until August 31st.
Courteous use of the facilities by all members is encouraged. Profanity and obscenities are both discourteous and not in keeping with the mission statement and image of Providence College. Actions, which threaten, damage, or harm others, oneself, or property will be addressed, and may lead to suspension or termination of membership privileges.
Building Rules
- Absolutely NO tobacco, alcohol, drugs, gum, or weapons are allowed in the facility.
- Safety and health are of utmost importance. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends minimizing skin contact with equipment, benches, mats, etc. Clothing and towels should be used to create a barrier between the torso and areas of the body in contact with equipment in order to prevent spreading of infections. Appropriate athletic attire and sneakers must be worn at all times. Bottoms with metal zippers, buttons, metal rivets, and anything else that may damage equipment/upholstery is not permitted in the fitness center.
- Anyone wearing clothing containing messages or slogans deemed obscene will be asked to replace/cover that article of clothing.
- NO animals in the building (with the exception of therapy dogs).
- NO bicycles in the building.
- Disruptive noise is prohibited in the facility. This includes radios, amplified sound, yelling, grunting, and any other sound that may be considered inappropriate or excessive. Headsets must be used when listening to electronic devices.
- Talking on cell phones is not allowed in the fitness center.
- Picture-taking is prohibited in the facility without prior approval.
- Activity and locker areas must be vacated upon request for closing purposes. Thirty (30) and fifteen (15) minute warnings will be given.
- All patrons are required to re-rack their weights in proper order.
- Dropping of weights or weight stacks is not permitted. Doing so may result in suspension or termination of membership privileges.
- Patrons using Olympic bars are required to use clips/collars.
- Patrons may be asked to stop performing any exercise deemed unsafe or inappropriate by staff.
- Equipment must be used in the way it is designed.
- Equipment (IE dumbbells, medicine balls, kettlebells, etc.) is not permitted to leave the fitness center.
- Weights may not be leaned against walls, windows, pillars, etc.
- All equipment must be wiped down after each use with our gym wipes. We encourage you to bring your own towel to control sweating.
- Drop-in use of Group Fitness, Indoor Cycling, and Personal Training Studios is not permitted.
- Personal items must be stored in cubbies or lockers. Coats, bags, and other items should not be left on the floor or equipment. The staff is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
- Monopolizing equipment or floor-space is not prohibited. Please take turns and share the space.
- No more than four (4) members of any one varsity or club sport team may use the fitness center or track at the same time.
- Personal Training is not permitted in the facility unless conducted by Recreational Sports Staff.
- Safety, proper etiquette, and respect for other members and staff is of utmost importance. Failure to follow policies and cooperate with staff may lead to immediate expulsion, assistance from security personnel, and suspension or revocation of facility usage. Recreational Sports may approve exceptions when appropriate.
Recreational Sports
Club Sports, Intramurals & the Concannon Fitness Center
Peterson 216