Women’s Rugby
As Providence College rugby players, our challenge is to constantly uphold only the best of conduct both on and off the pitch. As student athletes, we are responsible for simultaneously representing Providence College to the rugby world and rugby to the PC community. Academics are our first priority, and it is not ever encouraged to compromise your schoolwork for rugby. Rugby is a game of fierce competition, grace, incredible athleticism, toughness, and spirit, and PC Ruggers will always strive to play rugby at the highest level possible. It is important to remember that regardless of whether or not we are actually on the field, we continue to represent rugby (as a sport and as our team) at all times, including in class, in social settings, at work, to our professors, and to our peers. By becoming a member of the PC Rugby team, you allow for every one of your actions to be representative of the whole team, which requires conscious thought and understanding of consequences.
Spring 2025:
Practice Tuesday and Thursday 6:15-8PM (No Tryouts, everyone welcome!!)
Spring 2025 Game Schedule:
For more information, contact the team at womensrugby.club@providence.edu
Donate to Women’s Club Rugby! Select the “Other” category and specify Women’s Rugby as your gift designation.
Chris Schmidt
Associate Director for Club Sports
Peterson Recreation Center Lower Lobby (LL107)
Clare Calogero
Christina Andruss
Match Secretary
Belle Clarkin
Loise Obeng
Vice President
Adelis Ortiz Liriano